Event information

Use our map to explore the different offerings and locations at Open Day. Read our FAQs for further event information.

Map and directions (click on the map pins to toggle visibility)

Frequently asked questions

Before Open Day

Q: Do I need to register to attend Open Day?

Q: How do I plan my day?

Q: I am interested in postgraduate study, can I attend Open Day?

Q: How can I prepare before the day?

On the day

Q: How do I get to the University?

Q: Is the University accessible if I have special needs?

Q: Is there parking available?

Q: Where can I get an Open Day program?

Q: Where can I get something to eat?

Q: Who should I speak to if I need help?

Q: I missed out on a talk I wanted to attend. What can I do?

Q: Can I get free WiFi access on Open Day?

Q: What should I ask on Open Day?

After Open Day

Q: Who can I talk to if I have more questions after Open Day?

Q: I missed out on a talk I wanted to attend. Can I access the recordings?

Q: What should I do if I haven't made up my mind about studying?